Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where's Claire been...

Where's Claire been? That's a good question! I've been busy since my birthday. I'll do my best to catch everyone up.

Biking with Daddy. I'm sure Mommy would've come too, if she could see her feet. I took my baby in Mommy's place.

In July, Daddy and I took a special trip to WY. Daddy played in the mountains, while I partied with Nana and Packo. Then we went to Casper to pack up my big girl bedroom furniture from Grandma and Papa. Cousin Nicole and I are loading the truck.
Secret City Festival (I'm a bit out of order here, this was June). Anything inflatable is awesome!
Petting an owl.
Mommy and Daddy starting accumulating odd items. They said it had something to do with Mommy's belly getting big. Hey I remember this...and I still fit in it!
So this is what Mommy's belly was all about. They call her Libby. I call her Baby. You can get her side of the story on the Lores of Libby (coming soon).
Baby (Libby) hasn't come home yet, so I think she's alright.
Hmmm...I guess Baby (Libby) did come home with Mommy. Just as long as I still get Daddy. Quote of the day was "give her back to Mommy". Also, check out my new bedroom furniture.
I can feed my baby too!
One of many trips to the zoo. The red panda babies are finally out.
Now that I know what the carousel is, it is a must do for all zoo trips.
I guess Baby (Libby) isn't so bad after all.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

April...Part 2

After Grandma and Papa left....Aunt Dana and soon to be Uncle Mark joined us for my birthday bash in Atlanta. Birthday bash in Atlanta was really Mom and Dad getting their Rockies fix.

Fireworks are pretty cool...

Coke World!

The hair is flying because I can't stand still. They let me have a cup in the Coke tasting room. Sugar and Caffeine!

We didn't see just one game...we saw all three...including Jimenez's no-hitter. I don't know what that means...but Dad says it's pretty cool.

This is my idea of a good time at the ball park!

April...Part 1

As you can see April was a busy month! Grandma and Papa came out the first week or so. For Easter we went back to Frozen Head. I guess since we've done it twice, we can call it our annual Easter trip to Frozen Head.

Grandma and I

I don't need no stinkin' backpack

Next up was to show Grandma and Papa the zoo
Checking out the otters

Attempt at a family shot...something was way more exciting behind them.

This is my favorite critter at the zoo...the gibbon.

On to the ever important birthday cake! This is Mom's attempt at Mickey Mouse.

Not sure what I'm supposed to do with these...

Of's the birthday loot. No worries...I didn't go without.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Obed National Park

Saturday was amazing TN weather. Not quite 70 degrees and the sun was out! Mom and Dad decided that a family hike was way better than weekend chores.

Loading the car...

I ride in style!

Dad thinks I ran about 1 mile of the hike...
All tuckered after that...
Bruce must've been tired too....
Found mini daffodils in the backyard when we got home

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yes, I'm still around

Yes, I'm a bit behind posting pictures. I'll blame Mom and Dad for not letting me on the computer...
Mutton Bust'n with my stuffed sheep. My Wyo relatives would be proud. Also note my cowgirl boots, um slippers.

Riding the turtle statue at the zoo. The real turtles don't come out until I talked Mom and Dad into season passes to the zoo. I need to go back to see the rest of the weanie animals that don't come out in TN winter.

They had real goats to pet though

Not sure about this one...

This my buddy Bruce in a rare moment and a rare nice day. (This is before Bruce got skunked...I haven't snuggled with him since)

Better shot from the front

Remote wars with Dad. He never pushes the right button. You can also see Mom's attempt at piggies. I'm not sure what I think of them.