Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas from Claire

Rare photo with Mom and Dad

Crazy Aunt Dana thought I needed a giant moose. I don't get it either.

I think I like this bow better

I must've been a good girl this year

Baby doll take 1

Had to try again in the morning...but I got her open

Stand back Tilly...I got this one

Yes, there were a few wardrobe changes involved.

Playing in the aftermath

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pre-Holiday Fun

Fun with Food


Blueberries - I think Mom and Dad are still finding blueberries in strange places.

Ok...this isn't fun, but this is what happens when they mix me up with Zoe at daycare. I DO NOT fit in 0-3 month clothing anymore!

One of many trips under the tree. I had to preview what was under there.

HA - Got one!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

This pic deserved it's own post!

That's right...check me out! Watch out B& I come!

Random photos to catch you up

I'm big enough to use the high chair at McDonald's...where's my mcnugget?

Partying with my buddy Erica

Jumping on Grandpa Jim's lap

This was the whole point of my crazy trip to Denver before I moved to TN...
This is my Great Grammie!

Last one...I was a penguin for Halloween

Anyone miss me?

Mom said I needed Christmas pictures...I'm not so sure. However, rumor has it Santa Cow will be at the Chik-fil-a on Saturday...that might be worth a picture.

Tasty shoes

Lost a shoe...

Needed a break from the paparazzi

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I made it!

It's been a pretty wild month or so. I've had my first plane ride, solo road trip with Mom and first cross-country adventure.

I have now arrived in Tennessee. Still living out of a hotel while Mom's cussing out the truck with all of the important things like my crib, einstein toy and bop'n bear. I guess it's in KY and could be here in just a couple of hours, but the driver is just sure it can't get here until Friday.

We'll probably be without pictures until Mom can find the camera download cord again...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Don't want Dad to forget what I look like

HI DAD! Still chewing on my lip, hoping tooth number two comes through.

Eating "healty"
Apparently B or T wanted to eat "healty" too. The stem is now missing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Artist in Action

Looks like I'm going to be a righty...


Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Big Sunday

This is my idea of a Lay-Z-Boy! I'm not sure if I was rooting for the Broncos or the Chiefs. I just squealed when I thought it was necessary.

Next up was the last Rockies game of the season. It didn't go any better than the Bronco game :o(

I topped off my day with a dip in the pool. Check it out...I'm floating! (kinda)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My first video - Better than Crabs!

Don't ask how late Mom and Dad stayed up trying to do this...

Life in a high chair

I don 't get it...I'm supposed to sit here and do what? I guess a staring competition with Leonard.

Hmmm...still not sure I get it. It was kinda fun to save it in my cheeks, then spit it out though.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

My first artwork

My first artwork! Ok...not quite. Miss Elsie kept my leaf (that was really my first piece) to hang above my crib at school.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chlorinated Claire

I had to wear my swimsuit before I grew out of it. Mom haggled with the lifegaurd to let us in. It was "adult swim" in the warm pool. Didn't they know we have to go swimming on Claire time? I couldn't come before 2 or after 3. I did pretty good. I even put my face in the water! (nope, Mom didn't put my face in, I DID!) Oh and no...Dad did NOT get in the water.

Mom's finally taking the time to play with photoshop! red eye!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let's see if Mom can do photos

What can I say...Life is Good at my house!

These are my furry siblings....Bruce and Tilly
There's thunder and lightning out, so B&T are close by.
(and Dad's fixing my BOB tire)

My new toy is a jumper/activity type thing

We don't know what this was just hanging out on the side of the house.

Mom needs to download the camera again....

Friday, September 12, 2008

We'll see how long this lasts...

I must admit my friend Erica inspired this attempt at blogging. Since I'm at the mercy of my mom and dad typing...I can't commit to how long I can keep this up or how often it will be updated. However, Kodak Gallery doesn't allow me to annotate my photo shoots as well as I'd like.