Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I made it!

It's been a pretty wild month or so. I've had my first plane ride, solo road trip with Mom and first cross-country adventure.

I have now arrived in Tennessee. Still living out of a hotel while Mom's cussing out the truck with all of the important things like my crib, einstein toy and bop'n bear. I guess it's in KY and could be here in just a couple of hours, but the driver is just sure it can't get here until Friday.

We'll probably be without pictures until Mom can find the camera download cord again...

1 comment:

JT said...

Good Morning Claire!
How do you like your new home? I hear you have all kinds of new teeth now and just in time for Thanksgiving too! Lucky you! I was talking with your Great Aunt Pam last night and she has made you some cute little quilts, so be looking for them in the mail, soon. Love you Claire!
Gramma Jan