Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day in the Smokies

Nana Jan and G'pa Ron showed up to celebrate my birthday early. Saturday we went to the Smokies. Here we are at the top of Clingman's Dome at 6643ft, the highest point in TN. (Remember, I was born at over 7000ft)

Checking the tire pressure on my stroller before we headed back to the car...

I needed a different view when we went to Laurel Falls. I'm waving from my new backpack. (Yes, I had to copy my friend Erica and get an almost matching backpack)

Dad and I checking out the falls

We didn't see any bears, but we did find a turkey


Suz said...

I'm commenting! Audrey was born at a whopping 500 feet or something. Low altitude girl. Looks beautiful, I want to come back now that it's warmer!

Claire said...

Come on back anytime!