Tuesday, November 10, 2009

October Review

I realize I've been a slacker lately, but you'll see I've been quite busy!

Trying on snowsuits for my big Christmas trip to WY. Too bad I won't get much use out of it here.

Grandma and Grandpa Lolley came out to see me and we went to the Biltmore.
(This was before the flu episode)

Grandpa partying with me in the bug tent
(during flu, hence PJs are still on)

Mom and Dad got new countertops, I got to party in the cabinets
(post flu)

I tried to be a ladybug for Halloween. However, I wasn't interested in costume accessories. So, I'm a ladybug w/o wings or antennae.

Lots of leaves! Be sure to ask Dad if you should use a shopvac to blow leaves.

Raisins are the snack of the moment. That's probably because I can get them out of the kitchen all by myself.

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