Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This weekend I got to meet Audrey, she's Mom's college roommate's little girl. She's a bit floppier than I am. Suz, Audrey, Mom and I...

Better pic of Audrey and Suz

Other pics...Mom doesn't sort socks right

Are there monsters under the bed?

Nope...just Bruce

Monday, February 16, 2009

Catching up

Modeling my hat G'ma and G'pa Lolley brought back from Peru

What can I say...it was a bad butt rash day

I guess it smells a bit different w/o a diaper

I think it's bath time

This is what we call "snow day" here in TN. Yeah...I got to stay home w/ Mom and Dad for 2.5 days over "snow" and "snow" in the forecast.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Am I a beaver?

6 teeth and counting...
(other 9 month stats: 27.75", 17lbs 4oz and my head is rather large)