Saturday, June 5, 2010

April...Part 2

After Grandma and Papa left....Aunt Dana and soon to be Uncle Mark joined us for my birthday bash in Atlanta. Birthday bash in Atlanta was really Mom and Dad getting their Rockies fix.

Fireworks are pretty cool...

Coke World!

The hair is flying because I can't stand still. They let me have a cup in the Coke tasting room. Sugar and Caffeine!

We didn't see just one game...we saw all three...including Jimenez's no-hitter. I don't know what that means...but Dad says it's pretty cool.

This is my idea of a good time at the ball park!

April...Part 1

As you can see April was a busy month! Grandma and Papa came out the first week or so. For Easter we went back to Frozen Head. I guess since we've done it twice, we can call it our annual Easter trip to Frozen Head.

Grandma and I

I don't need no stinkin' backpack

Next up was to show Grandma and Papa the zoo
Checking out the otters

Attempt at a family shot...something was way more exciting behind them.

This is my favorite critter at the zoo...the gibbon.

On to the ever important birthday cake! This is Mom's attempt at Mickey Mouse.

Not sure what I'm supposed to do with these...

Of's the birthday loot. No worries...I didn't go without.